pondělí, listopadu 13, 2006

And...ostrey it is!!

So sorry again for the long wait. I've been relatively busy. I will now proceed to update you on the goings of this last weekend, which I have to say was pretty fun.

So it started Friday night. I thought we were going on our first "family trip" but of course, we don't do that, so it was just an outing. It was my host aunts 30th birthday, and she was celebrating in a town about an hour away. It turns out that Dasi and Luci weren't coming, and instead staying home, and so it was just Dana, Pavel and me. It was an interesting party, but I can't say it was much fun for me. I did try whiskey for the first time, which in very small increments isn't half bad. Most of the time I spent finishing Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion (very good book which, despite the fact I had to read it for school, I would recommend to anyone interested in reading a uh, interesting account of the US in the 1960s). We ended up leaving at like 1:30. And yeah, it wasn't all that exciting, especially due to the fact I thought originally it was going to be like a little trip where we could, I don't know, bond more or something. Anyway, that was the low point of the weekend, but it only got better.

Saturday morning was spent reading, doing homework and raking leaves (not fun in 0 degrees). At like 4 some "family friends" came over who have a three year old daughter, tripling the noise level in the house. Everyone that my family socializes with has little kids. It's definitely not something I'm used to, and not something I particularly care for, but I am learning to tolerate them. Anywho. Saturday night I went to a movie with Mint and Oey (students from Thailand). We went to go see "She's the Man", which was in English with Czech subtitles. It was really funny. We spent the whole movie laughing. We had all already seen it, but agreed that Channing Tatum is quite a looker. After that we went for pizza. We had like 2 and a half hours before my train left, which we originally thought was such a long time. We ended up having pizza, and ice cream and trying these strange, but good, hot juice things. Before we realized it, I had five minutes to get my train, and the station is at least a 25 minute walk away. We tried to find a bus, but buses don't like runing on weekends. So I ended up missing my train. The 2.5 hours was spent talking, laughing and eating, and went by like nothing. We decided that maybe I should just sleep at mint's house because my next train wasn't for another 2 hours. Anyway, we were going to take the trolley bus to her house, but we had just missed it, so we ran to the next stop, but we had just missed that one too. So we walked the 30 minutes to her house, just laughing and talking. It was great.

Once there, we watched yet another movie: Kill Bill 2. I have never seen it, and this was in czech. It was funny because every so often mint would tell me what was going on. It was great. Then was bed.

The next morning we woke up, ate breakfast etc. Then we decided that we would go to Globus (like wal mart) to buy food to make Thai food for dinner. We also then decided to see if Maria wanted to go. Despite the fact that she lives in Opava, she has only riden the trolley buses like twice in two months. So it was a tangled web of sms conversations trying to get her to understand which bus to take, and then we left. It was a rather uneventful ride to Globus, where we perused the aisles, getting some things to cook with (Globus has a rather large selection of thai food) waiting for maria to say that she was there. After like an hour, we called her, and apparently she hadn't left her house yet. So we went on with the next part of our journey: Tesco. It had started raining, so we ran to the bus stop, and then once the bus started, we weren't sure if it was actually going where we wanted. It was, so all was okay. Tesco is like, Target, I guess in comparison to Globus (wal-mart). This time was spent going to the bank, finding mint a jacket and buying some eye drops. There we met maria, haggled (in czech) with a shop assistant about the price of a jacket, and then headed back to mint's house.

Once there we waited for oey, and then proceeded to cook multitudes of thai food (well, three things; one spicy and very good, 2 not and also very good). Between the shrimp, onions and various sauces, it started smelling really good.

That is a short synopsis of my weekend. It was really fun. Yeah, that's it for now.

1 komentář:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

and ostrey means?